Acupuncture News


About Melanie Andreen

I love getting to know the people who come to me for treatment. I get to connect with them as people as well as patients. Most importantly, I listen carefully to the needs of every patient and provide an atmosphere of compassion. I became part of The Acupuncture Clinic family 12 years ago when I

Acupuncture’s Emerging Role in Integrative Oncology

Over the past few years, I have been concentrating my studies on using acupuncture as a component of a more comprehensive treatment and long-term care model for cancer patients and survivors. The published research that Dr. Phillips, Dr. Hand, and I conducted at the University of South Carolina explored the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture on

The Acupuncture Experience-Achieving Holistic Health

A balanced life. That’s what so many people seek. They want excellent mental, physical, and spiritual health. We compartmentalize these parts of our life. Each receives different attention, and when needed, treatment plans. Rarely do we look at them as being interconnected to each other. We receive prescriptions or various therapies to treat ailments and

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD & TMJ) Can Be Successfully Treated with Acupuncture

It is estimated that over 10 million Americans and up to one-third of all adults will experience Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) in their lifetime. The symptoms of this complex condition vary widely. They can be so distant from the temporomandibular region that this diagnosis is often overlooked.  TMD can result in

Matt Barrie of ESPN Treated for Bell’s Palsy at The Acupuncture Clinic

“I was terrified,” said Matt Barrie. He went to bed perfectly healthy and woke with the left side of his face paralyzed from Bell’s Palsy. The only way he could close his eye was with his own fingers, so Matt started wearing an eye patch.  The paralysis altered his visual appearance and he stopped working

A Note from Bill Skelton during COVID-19

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson   Dear Friends, What changes we are all experiencing! Having so much free time has on one hand been a forgotten luxury, and on the other an opportunity to reflect on how to

Acupuncture for Migraine and Migraine Prevention

Migraine is much more than just a chronic headache. It is a serious and prevalent neurological disease with a wide array of symptoms and varied frequency of episodes that can, for some, be disabling. The associated impact of migraine on sufferers is profound. Beyond the intense and quite varied physical symptoms, social interactions, sleep patterns,

Don’t stress! Acupuncture Can Help – Acupuncture for Stress

Our Stress Problem Stress has become a regular part of many Americans’ lives. It is aggravated by work-related factors, financial issues, home life, and the complexity of our relationships. Add in a wide range of global issues and there’s enough to keep people up for many nights. The long-term effects of stress can take a

Lower Back Pain? Acupuncture Could Be Your Solution

Lower back pain is a common problem If you’ve experienced lower back pain, you understand how detrimental it can be to your quality of life. Even the simplest tasks become difficult. Injuring this part of your body limits your mobility and range of motion. Your lower back bears the weight for your upper body and

We Give Wednesdays – January 2020

We Give Wednesdays started in 2010 as a way for us to showcase and support worthy organizations in Columbia that help meet the needs of people in our community. Each month we feature one organization. During this month, we donate a percentage of our Wednesday’s revenues to the organization and feature them in our waiting