Acupuncture News


How acupuncture ankle injury treatment helped a hiker

One of the many benefits of my job is working with amazing people! This past summer I had the pleasure of working with a wonderful young woman, Samantha, who came in due to an injury to her left ankle.  She had been diagnosed with tendinopathy in her left ankle.  While she was doing her prescribed

Achilles Tendinitis – Acupuncture is More than just Pain Treatment

What is Achilles Tendinitis? Warmer weather is here and people are adding more outdoor activities to their exercise regimen. As a result, I am seeing several patients with Achilles tendinitis.  It is common for runners and weekend athletes to injure their Achilles tendon. The largest tendon in your body, it connects your calf muscle to

An Effective Treatment for Tennis Elbow & Golfers Elbow

For those who have been experiencing Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow pain for an extended period of time, it is likely that you’ve exhausted traditional treatment options. Rest, medications, ice and even using an elbow brace can provide temporary relief. But for chronic, or severe Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow, they may not be enough. You’ve likely