Acupuncture News


Acupuncture Approved to Help Ease Opioid Crisis

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee announced that it will now cover acupuncture as part of its sweeping change to address the opioid epidemic that has even resulted in a substantial increase of newborn babies experiencing opioid withdrawal. The plan will no longer cover prescriptions for Oxycontin, a favorite drug to abuse, and has shifted to replacement

Celebrating our 40th Year in South Carolina

South Carolina’s Oldest Acupuncture Clinic was founded in 1979. Our work facilitated the legislation that established the standards of practice and the licensing of acupuncture in both South Carolina and Georgia. While serving on the Medical Board’s Acupuncture Committees of both states we helped advance the practice and awareness of acupuncture into our medical system. 

Say Goodbye to Pain

76.2 Million in Pain According to statistics from the National Centers for Health Statistics 76.2 million Americans suffer with pain. That is more than the 23.6 million that have diabetes, the 23.3 million that have coronary heart disease and the 11 million that have cancer combined. The National Institutes of Health estimates that the cost

Say Yes to Life

Yes! What a great word to say as we begin to heal and feel better. So often our being in a state of “dis-ease” causes us to say no to the aspects of life we once took for granted. Taking steps to live life fully requires an action plan, patience and practice. Some habits are

Ten Myths About Acupuncture

Do you think that acupuncture is a lifetime commitment? Do you think that the needles are painful? Do you think that you will need to take off work after acupuncture treatment? Read the following article to dispel the most popular acupuncture myths. Fact: The response to acupuncture is always an individual one. Some people respond

Three Things That You Didn’t Know About Acupuncture

Do you have any idea how relaxing acupuncture can be? Do you know how long acupuncturists go to school? The following article exposes three major truths about acupuncture that you may not know. People who get acupuncture on a regular basis are familiar with the term “acu-land,” a magical place where many find themselves during

What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine?

When one thinks of Traditional Chinese Medicine many times herbs and supplements come to mind, but there are other elements that most people are unaware of. Tai Chi, yoga, meditation and qi gong are all methods of supplementing acupuncture or acupressure. The belief is that you take care of your mind at the same time

Why Should I Try Acupuncture?

Many people have a legitimate fear of needles, and this can prevent certain health measures like acupuncture. What a lot of people don’t realize is that the needles used in acupuncture are minute and painless. If your fear of needles stems from a place of sterility, it is important to note that most acupuncture places