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Acupuncture News

How Does Acupuncture Relieve TMJ?

lady holding her jaw due to tmj.

Most of us have heard about TMJ and the pain associated with it. Our temporomandibular joint connects our jawbone to our skull on both sides of the head. We need it to function properly so we can chew, smile, and talk without pain. If the joint becomes inflamed, there is pain. There are numerous remedies for TMJ including acupuncture. How does acupuncture relieve TMJ?

Symptoms of TMJ

With TMJ, or temporomandibular joint dysfunction, you may experience symptoms including:

  • Mouth “clicking”
  • Trouble opening your mouth
  • Myofascial pain
  • Headache in your temple area
  • Earaches
  • Neck pain
  • Toothaches
  • Tinnitus

What Causes TMJ?

Many unrelated situations can lead to TMJ. Any of these, or any combination, can cause a flare up leading to the pain.lady holding her jaw due to tmj.

They include the following:

  • Bruxism or teeth clenching during the day or during sleep
  • Arthritis
  • Trauma to the area
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Eating hard chewy food
  • Not drinking enough fluids can cause dehydration and reduce joint lubricants
  • Hormonal changes in women
  • Vitamin-D deficiency

It is also believed stress, anxiety, and depression can play a role.

Will Acupuncture Help With TMJ Pain?

The temporomandibular joints must work in unison to function properly and remain pain free.

Acupuncture can effectively reduce inflammation and pain from many different conditions including TMJ. It also helps to release endorphins and other neurotransmitters to boost feelings of wellbeing. It relaxes the muscles involved with the jaw and reduces muscle spasms.

In a recent study the NIH tells us it is vital to find a licensed acupuncturist like The Acupuncture Clinic in Columbia to prevent any complications, and they conclude TMJ acupuncture therapy is effective.

Together with your primary care physician, they can determine how many sessions are needed to reduce the pain.

There are particular acupoints to focus on for relieving pain in different parts of the body. For facial pain they include the hands, earlobes, foot, and above the thyroid bone in the neck. A multidisciplinary approach if recommended for treating TMJ including anti-inflammatory prescription medications, physical therapy, and mouth guards.

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years as Chinese medicine started 3000 years ago. Traditional Chinese medicine may be new information for you, and no, the tiny needles do not hurt. In fact, you don’t even feel them.

The acupuncture therapy will:

  • Improve the action of the muscles that open and close the jaw
  • Increase the production of cortisol to control inflammation
  • Reduce stress and promotes relaxation

Contact The Acupuncture Clinic at (803) 256-1000 if you are suffering from TMJ pain and ready to find relief.