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Acupuncture for Bell's Palsy in Columbia, SC

Acupuncture has gained significant attention in the Western medical world as a complementary therapy for Bell’s palsy, a condition characterized by sudden weakness or paralysis of muscles on one side of the face due to malfunction of the 7th cranial nerve (facial nerve). This nerve moves the facial muscles, stimulates the salivary and tear glands, enables the front two thirds of the tongue to detect tastes, and controls a muscle involved in hearing.  

Numerous studies in Western countries have shown promising results when acupuncture is included in the treatment regimen for Bell’s palsy.

Clinical reviews in 2015 of 14 studies that included 1,541 patients, and in 2019 reviewing 323 studies, the researchers found higher partial or complete recovery rates in Bell’s palsy patients treated with acupuncture compared with other treatments. 

The results of these studies suggest that acupuncture is associated with increased partial or complete recovery rates compared with people who receive drug therapies. Although the researchers found issues of poor design and bias in some of the studies, they concluded that acupuncture was a viable option for treating Bell’s palsy.

Some randomized controlled trials found that acupuncture, when combined with standard medical treatment, significantly improved the rate of facial nerve recovery compared to those who received only standard treatment. This suggests that acupuncture may play a crucial role in speeding up the healing process and enhancing facial muscle function.

Furthermore, research published in the “Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine” in 2020 examined the neurological mechanisms behind acupuncture’s impact on Bell’s palsy. Using functional MRI (fMRI), the study demonstrated that acupuncture stimulation activated specific brain regions responsible for motor control and facial movement. This suggests that acupuncture may help the brain rewire and regain control over facial muscles affected by Bell’s palsy, contributing to improved outcomes.

An interesting facet of research has focused on the effects of acupuncture on pain and quality of life in Bell’s palsy patients. Acupuncture treatments can lead to a reduction in facial pain and improved overall quality of life, further highlighting its potential as an integrative therapy that addresses not only the physical but also the emotional and psychological aspects of the condition.

Benefits of Acupuncture for Bell’s Palsy

The most common benefits of acupuncture for Bell’s palsy are:

  • Facial Muscle Recovery: Many patients who receive acupuncture in addition to standard medical treatment report faster and more complete recovery of facial muscle function.
  • Reduction in Tightness and Discomfort: Acupuncture may help reduce pain and tissue tightness associated with Bell’s palsy, which can be distressing symptoms for sufferers.
  • Improvements in Quality of Life: Patients may experience improved quality of life and psychological well-being as a result of acupuncture treatment.
  • Reduced Inflammation and improved circulation: Acupuncture has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes blood and nerve conduction that contributes to the healing process.
  • Facial Nerve Stimulation: One of the primary ways acupuncture can assist Bell’s Palsy patients is by stimulating the facial nerves. Acupuncture needles are strategically inserted into specific points, which may help activate and stimulate the facial nerve pathways. This stimulation can promote nerve function, conduction, regeneration and facilitate the restoration of facial muscle control.
  • Increased Blood Flow: Acupuncture has been shown to enhance blood circulation in the affected areas, including the facial muscles. Improved blood flow can provide the necessary nutrients and oxygen to damaged nerves and muscles, aiding in the recovery process.
  • Pain Reduction: Bell’s palsy can be accompanied by facial pain or discomfort. Acupuncture can alleviate pain through the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals. By targeting acupuncture points associated with pain relief, patients often experience reduced pain and increased comfort.
  • Muscle Relaxation: Muscle weakness and tension are common symptoms of Bell’s palsy. Acupuncture may help relax the facial muscles, reducing stiffness and spasms. This can improve overall facial function and appearance.
  • Nervous System Modulation: Acupuncture can influence the autonomic nervous system, promoting a balance between the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) branches. This modulation can reduce stress and inflammation, both of which can impact Bell’s palsy symptoms.
  • Complementary Treatment: Acupuncture is often used as a complementary therapy alongside standard medical treatments for Bell’s palsy, such as antiviral medications and physical therapy. When combined with conventional therapies, acupuncture may enhance the overall effectiveness of treatment.

While Western studies on acupuncture for Bell’s palsy have shown promise, it’s essential to note that individual responses may vary. 

A simple trial of treatments will help determine if it is appropriate for each individual case.

How Acupuncture Can Help Treat Bell’s Palsy

Acupuncture is increasingly recognized in Western medicine for its potential in pain management. Although the precise mechanisms are not yet fully understood, several Western theories and mechanisms have been proposed to explain how acupuncture helps treat pain:

Endorphin Release: Acupuncture is thought to stimulate the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers. These endorphins bind to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, reducing the perception of pain and promoting a sense of well-being.

Nervous System Modulation: Acupuncture may influence the autonomic nervous system, balancing the activity between the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-digest) branches. This modulation can reduce pain and promote relaxation.

Gate Control Theory: According to the gate control theory of pain, acupuncture may stimulate non-painful sensory nerve fibers, which can “close the gate” to painful signals traveling to the brain. This can effectively reduce the perception of pain.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Studies show that acupuncture reduces pain by promoting an anti-inflammatory response.  It increases the body’s release of anti-inflammatory substances and inhibits pro-inflammatory substances. 

Improved Blood Flow: Acupuncture has been shown to enhance blood circulation. Improved blood flow can deliver more oxygen and nutrients to injured or painful areas, which can aid in healing and reduce pain. 

Central Nervous System Effects: Acupuncture directly influences the central nervous system. It promotes the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones, which play a role in pain perception and the body’s overall response to pain.

Neuromodulation: Acupuncture promotes neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to adapt and rewire itself. This can help the brain better manage and adapt to chronic pain conditions.

Schedule An Appointment

The Acupuncture Clinic has been using acupuncture to provide patients with Bell’s Palsy the highest quality of care. Call our clinic at (803) 256-1000 to schedule an appointment.