Acupuncture News


Acupuncture for Holiday Depression, Stress, and Anxiety

“Kindness is a language the blind can see, and the deaf can hear.” -Mark Twain   For most, the holidays are a time of joy and celebration, but not for everyone. Typically, holiday-related mood and stress issues are temporary and resolve within a few days. Some, however, can have a long onset and build to

Struggling with Back Pain? Acupuncture May Be your Answer

Back pain is actually quite common. It is estimated that 80% of the population will deal with back pain at some point in their lives. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke states that it is the most common cause of job related disability, and a leading contributor to missed work days. While most

We Give Wednesdays – August 2019

We Give Wednesdays started in 2010 as a way for us to showcase and support worthy organizations in Columbia that help meet the needs of people in our community. Each month we feature one organization. During this month, we donate a percentage of our Wednesday’s revenues to the organization and feature them in our waiting

Relief from Carpal Tunnel can be Found with Acupuncture

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very common condition that affects one of the main nerves in the hand, the median nerve. This nerve is squeezed or compressed, causing pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when flexor tendons

We Give Wednesdays – July 2019

We Give Wednesdays started in 2010 as a way for us to showcase and support worthy organizations in Columbia that help meet the needs of people in our community. Each month we feature one organization. During this month, we donate a percentage of our Wednesday’s revenues to the organization and feature them in our waiting

The Results of Acupuncture Treatment Cannot be Ignored

What is acupuncture?  Acupuncture is a practice rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and has been utilized for generations. Acupuncture is administered by the insertion of thin, acupuncture needles at specific acupuncture points on the body. Through stimulation of blood flow by needle insertion, it helps regulate the body’s ability to heal.  Acupuncture is now receiving

Achilles Tendinitis – Acupuncture is More than just Pain Treatment

What is Achilles Tendinitis? Warmer weather is here and people are adding more outdoor activities to their exercise regimen. As a result, I am seeing several patients with Achilles tendinitis.  It is common for runners and weekend athletes to injure their Achilles tendon. The largest tendon in your body, it connects your calf muscle to

We Give Wednesdays – May 2019

We Give Wednesdays started in 2010 as a way for us to showcase and support worthy organizations in Columbia that help meet the needs of people in our community. Each month we feature one organization. During this month, we donate a percentage of our Wednesday’s revenues to the organization and feature them in our waiting

An Effective Treatment for Tennis Elbow & Golfers Elbow

For those who have been experiencing Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow pain for an extended period of time, it is likely that you’ve exhausted traditional treatment options. Rest, medications, ice and even using an elbow brace can provide temporary relief. But for chronic, or severe Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow, they may not be enough. You’ve likely

Time to Feel Great Again!

Anxiety – Depression – Insomnia – Stress Acupuncture is a non-pharmacological treatment option for behavioral health that  has gained in popularity as promising studies support its use and provide a clear biological explanation for how it works. Blending the best of systems, including acupuncture, with traditional western medicine can provide patients with an improved comprehensive