Acupuncture News


Acupuncture vs Conventional TMJ Treatments: Finding Natural Relief

Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ, affects approximately ten million Americans each year. This painful disorder develops when the jaw joint and the nerves around it become inflamed or irritated. As it becomes more dysfunctional, this jaw hinge will cause severe pain and increasingly more mobility issues. Once you reach that point, treatments are

Acupuncture for Pain Management

Many people prefer the newest technology and think it’s the best for curing disease and for managing their pain. In many cases, they may be right. However, sometimes centuries old treatments that have survived the test of time may be best. We are talking about acupuncture for pain management. Acupuncture has lasted and evolved over

What Are the Benefits of Acupuncture for Athletes?

Acupuncture is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which focuses on restoring balance in your body and nervous system to promote healing. Sounds good for everyone, but especially beneficial for athletes. It increases blood flow, reduces inflammations, and promotes the natural healing process which is why so many professional athletes use acupuncture for healing. What

How to Manage Fatigue When Undergoing Chemotherapy

We all at times feel exhausted. We tell others that we are so tired and have no energy. Luckily for most of us, these feelings of exhaustion are nothing compared to the energy-draining fatigue of someone undergoing chemotherapy. No amount of rest relieves the persistent fatigue of cancer while going through chemo. That’s the difference

Does Acupuncture Help Bell’s Palsy?

Bell’s Palsy is an unexpected and sudden facial paralysis that typically occurs on one side of the face, however it can affect both sides. It usually resolves within weeks or months, but it can linger longer. Dysfunction of cranial nerves is the main culprit, but there are other causes. Traditional western medicine treats the symptoms,

How Can Acupuncture Help Relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you are someone who uses their hands and wrist working at your job or doing crafts, you might have developed something known as carpal tunnel syndrome. It causes numbness, pain, tingling, and sometimes a poor grip. You may have thought the only treatment or remedy is surgery, however, that would be incorrect. There are

Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow

Are you aware that you can have a golfer’s elbow without actually having played golf? Golfer’s elbow starts as an aching pain, but without treatment can devolve into more serious pain. The pain may even radiate down the forearm and affect the hand causing gripping issues. What exactly causes golfer’s elbow and can acupuncture help?

Acupuncture for Achilles Tendonitis: What to Know

Are you aware that acupuncture is an effective treatment for Achilles tendonitis? Even if you are a sports enthusiast, our guess is probably not, so obviously there is a lot to learn. Keep reading to learn more about Acupuncture for Achilles tendonitis and what you should know. What is Achilles Tendonitis? If you are a

How Does Acupuncture Relieve TMJ?

Most of us have heard about TMJ and the pain associated with it. Our temporomandibular joint connects our jawbone to our skull on both sides of the head. We need it to function properly so we can chew, smile, and talk without pain. If the joint becomes inflamed, there is pain. There are numerous remedies