Finding relief from seasonal or environmental allergies can be a never ending quest. You consistently take antihistamines both prescribed and over-the-counter types, but all they do is suppress the immune responses to the triggers. They really don’t do anything to prevent allergies, plus they have negative side effects. Acupuncture has been known to help with pain management and to relieve stress, but this practice can also benefit other conditions like allergies. How can acupuncture help allergies?
What Is Acupuncture?
When a licensed acupuncturist like The Acupuncture Clinic in Charleston places thin needles into someone’s body in places called acupuncture points, they seek to connect to meridians. These meridians are thought to be linked to an organ or system in the body. The acupuncturist will target the meridian based on the health issue being treated. These acupuncture points will be different from other health issues like back pain or weight loss.
For allergies all the points will be located on the front of the body like the hands, feet, and face.
Who May Benefit From Acupuncture for Allergies?
Acupuncture may be able to help if you are someone who:
- continues to suffer with allergies even while taking all prescribed and OTC medications
- can no longer tolerate all the side effects of allergy medications
How Acupuncture Helps With Allergies
We know that allergies are driven by our immune system. It is caused by an overreaction to harmless triggers, like pollen and grasses among others. Several new studies show that the ancient practice of acupuncture, normally used to relieve pain and reduce stress, can be effective in treating allergies.
Acupuncture for allergies is safe and effective. This practice treats the whole person helping the body achieve balance. It boosts energy and mood, along with a feeling of well-being.
Other ways acupuncture helps with allergies include the following:
- Acupuncture is natural, whereas all medications like antihistamines and decongestants use chemicals to relieve allergy symptoms, and they also have side effects. Acupuncture taps into the body’s energy source to heal and give relief. It reduces inflammation and improves circulation without chemicals or foreign substances.
- Acupuncture boosts immunity. Allergies occur when our immune system is compromised or weakened. Acupuncture strengthens immunity and reduces the body’s sensitivity to allergens.
- Acupuncture relieves stress which can play a big role in all allergy symptoms. When we have chronic stress, our body is more susceptible to environmental triggers like dust mites and mold. By easing stress levels, acupuncture makes it less likely we will have reactions when exposed to environmental allergens.
- Acupuncture helps us breathe better. Since it reduces inflammation, boosts circulation, and releases endorphins, inflammation in the nasal passages and other systems are reduced. You can experience relief from congestion, sinus pressure, sore throat, and itchy watery eyes.
If you have been living with allergy symptoms even while using medications, it may be time to investigate acupuncture.
Contact The Acupuncture Clinic at 803-256-1000 to begin acupuncture treatments in Charleston, SC to ease your allergy symptoms.