Can acupuncture help relieve chronic pain? In a one word answer, YES. Acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is used frequently in western medicine as a complement to prescription medications and/or surgery for many chronic conditions. Although many western practitioners still do not recognize acupuncture, it remains a beneficial treatment. Research has found acupuncture advantageous for certain chronic pain.
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture uses very thin needles inserted into the skin at very precise points on the body. These are known as acupoints which are considered to be on lines of energy which run around the body called meridians. This mainstay of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practiced for thousands of years. Based on Chinese healing, the body is composed of a balance of yin and yang. When this balance is disturbed, we can become ill.
Imbalance blocks the flow of chi, the energy that regulates spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical balance. By inserting needles on specific points on a meridian, the flow of chi is unblocked thereby restoring health to our body and mind.
How Western Medicine Explains Acupuncture
Western medicine looks at acupuncture differently. The West believes it stimulates the central nervous system signaling the body to release substances like endorphins, immune system cells, opioids, neurohormones, and neurotransmitters.
This helps to:
- Reduce pain.
- Change how the body experiences pain
- Promotes physical and emotional well being
It is important to find a licensed practitioner like the ones at The Acupuncture Clinic before having acupuncture.
Recent Revelations And Research
The National Institute of Health is researching acupoints and how they relate to each other. Research has found acupuncture beneficial for certain types of chronic pain. In fact, as of 2020 Medicare now covers acupuncture therapy for chronic low back pain.
Other studies both domestic and international show positive results for acupuncture treatment.
- Reducing headaches and migraines
- Improving chronic pain of the knee, back, neck, or arthritis pain
- Helps in treating insomnia
- Improving cancer and chemo recovery
- Helps prevent cognitive decline like Parkinson’s Disease
- Reduces stress, balances hormones, eases anxiety, and pain with pregnancy and labor
Acupuncture is safe when you choose a certified and licensed practitioner. You can also ask your own physician for a recommendation. If you would like to make an acupuncture appointment for chronic pain, contact The Acupuncture Clinic. Give us a call at 803-256-1000 or request an appointment through our secure online form.
Relieve Chronic Pain With Acupuncture (
Does acupuncture work for chronic pain? Here’s what the science says. – The Washington Post