Acupuncture is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which focuses on restoring balance in your body and nervous system to promote healing. Sounds good for everyone, but especially beneficial for athletes. It increases blood flow, reduces inflammations, and promotes the natural healing process which is why so many professional athletes use acupuncture for healing. What are the benefits of acupuncture for athletes?
Acupuncture for Athletes in Columbia, SC
The following orthopedic conditions can be managed with Acupuncture:
- Frozen shoulder
- Sciatica
- Tennis elbow
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Tendonitis
Acupuncture is a complementary treatment for most orthopedic injuries and should be used in conjunction with other treatments, not as a substitute for conventional medical treatments.
How Does Acupuncture Help Athletes?
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture for a wide range of sports and medical problems. There are a number of benefits, including the following.
Pain Management
Acupuncture can help with pain caused by sports injuries, like sprains, strains, and tendonitis. It targets specific points on the body and stimulates the release of endorphins and serotonin giving athletes pain relief and reducing any discomfort.
Stress Reduction
Sports injuries not only affect athletes physically, but also impact their mental well being. Anxiety, frustration, and depression can accompany sports injuries thereby hindering recovery. Acupuncture helps athletes feel calmer and more focused.
It is important for athletes to work with a licensed acupuncturist clinic like The Acupuncture Clinic to be sure they are receiving safe treatment.
Faster Recovery
In addition to pain management and stress reduction, acupuncture can also help:
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve blood circulation
- Improve energy
- Facilitate better sleep
- Reduce muscle soreness and fatigue
Muscles will recover faster and more efficiently when an athlete is getting proper rest at night and has less fatigue after exercise.
Increased Range of Motion
Range of motion is key for athletes who play basketball or football since they require a high level of agility. Acupuncture will relax the muscles near the injured area which increases flexibility and range of motion.
Enhanced Overall Athletic Performance
Acupuncture provides improved circulation, blood flow, better oxygen delivery to muscles, and faster recovery after workouts. The result is increased stamina, reduced muscle fatigue, and better overall performance.
Acupuncture is a great option for all athletic levels.
Contact The Acupuncture Clinic if you are an athlete and would like more information about how acupuncture can benefit YOU and your performance. Give us a call at 803-256-1000 or request an appointment through our secure online form.
Why Do Athletes Use Acupuncture For Sports Performance? (